Report Description:
DataTerrain’s Prebuilt report is designed to display the eligibility details of employees for their next grade step progression.
If the person satisfies a specified duration criterion for the next grade step, then the person will be eligible for the next grade. The metrics of determining the next grade step can be modified as per customer needs.
This report can be run for the below parameters
• Effective Start Date
This Prebuilt report is available as a BI Publisher Data model report.
HDL Files: This report has additional (optional) report templates which would fetch the next Work Terms, Assignment, and Salary information of employees.
Customers can use these templates for 2 purposes:
• Output from these report templates are in text format which they can upload to the HCM instance using HDL Process to update the employee’s next grade, salary and assignment information.
• Users can directly run these report templates to just view the next grade related data of the employees.
Output: The output data will have Current Grade and Next Grade Step information along with their assignment, salary, and work terms information of each employee.
The output format of this report is Excel.
Schedule: This report can be scheduled on a regular basis to track the employees on each Grade and their progression.
DataTerrain, with years of experience and reliable experts, is ready to assist. We have served more than 250 customers in the US and over 70 customers worldwide. We are flexible in working hours and do not need any long-term binding contracts.
Sample Output:
HDL Files – Sample output:
Work Terms:
Employee’s next grade that includes work terms, assignments, Assignment extra information and next grade steps.
Fetch the data for loading Assignments.
Assignment Grade Step:
Fetch the data for loading next grade step load in ladder
Assignment Extra Details:
Fetch the data for loading Assignment Extra Information
Salary Grade Step Progression:
Fetch data to load salary as result of grade step progression