Companies that use HCM technology are 50% more likely to see better employee engagement. Since employees are the most important asset to any organization, more and more companies are using technology to enhance employee engagement. With the right BI support, you can capitalize on technology to ensure job satisfaction, career development and employee retention. Here is how emerging technologies are driving employee engagement.
Encourage collaborative working
Now more than ever, flexible and virtual work is a big thing. Companies that are keen on leveraging technologies can encourage their employees to train and work virtually. This will not only help to reduce overhead costs but will also lead to happy, motivated and productive employees. There is also online communication that helps keep employees updated on projects instantaneously. Today, thanks to solutions such as HCM cloud, there are numerous collaboration tools that you can use to achieve your goals.
Training and education
There is no doubt that continuous training and development will help a business to remain competitive. Virtual classrooms and e-learning can be combined with in-person sessions when training employees. The opportunities presented by emerging technologies allow employees to take advantage of different learning styles and maintain a flexible schedule. This keeps them interested in the program, increases employee engagement and boosts work performance.
Ability to use personal tools
This is the smartphone generation. Most people use multiple devices to communicate, collaborate and work, something that is largely considered a smart move. Companies can encourage their employees to use their personal tools at work, provided there is a stringent level of compliance, and they are aware of the importance of online security.
Recognize and reward efforts
Recognizing and rewarding employees for their efforts are great ways to promote them and encourage employee engagement. In addition to peer recognition, annual reviews and appraisals, there are several tools that companies can use to regularize recognition. These tools also make for an innovative way to reward exceptional performance.
Social engagement within the workplace
Through technology and social interaction, the management and employees can enjoy a stronger working relationship. As you engage with employees, it can help to increase brand awareness, encourage ideas and improve company performance.
To realize these benefits, companies have to invest in the right solutions. Oracle Fusion HCM makes it possible for employees to work as a team while allowing you to know your people better. This makes it possible for workers to get their job done easier and faster. Get your organization invested and engaged with the future of your business and learn more about how DataTerrain reporting can help your company grow and prosper by contacting us here.