Jaspersoft report has a built-in support for charts using the new chart component. Using a new chart component, user needs to apply only the visual settings and define expressions that will help build the chart dataset. JasperReports uses JFreeChart as the underlying charting library.
When configuring a new chart component, following three components are involved –
• The overall chart component
• The chart dataset (which groups chart data-related settings).
• The chart plot (which groups visual settings related to the way the chart items are rendered).
Jaspersoft Reports offers built-in support for a variety of chart types as listed below:
• pieChart: A combination of a Pie dataset and a Pie plot.
• pie3DChart: Groups a Pie dataset and a Pie 3D plot.
• barChart: A basic combination of a Category dataset and a Bar plot.
• bar3DChart: Wraps a Category dataset and a Bar 3D plot.
• xyBarChart: Supports Time Period datasets, Time Series datasets, and XY datasets, and uses a Bar plot to render the axis and the items.
• stackedBarChart: Uses data from a Category dataset and renders its content using a Bar plot.
• stackedBar3DChart: Uses data from a Category dataset and renders its content using a Bar 3D plot.
• lineChart: Groups a Category dataset and a Line plot.
• xyLineChart: Groups an XY dataset and a Line plot.
• areaChart: Items from a Category dataset are rendered using an Area plot.
• stackedAreaChart: Items from a Category dataset are rendered using an Area plot.
• xyAreaChart: Uses data from an XY dataset and renders it through an Area plot.
• scatterChart: Wraps an XY dataset with a Scatter plot.
• bubbleChart: Combines an XYZ dataset with a Bubble plot.
• timeSeriesChart: Groups a Time Series dataset and a Time Series plot.
• highLowChart: A combination of a High-Low dataset and a High-Low plot.
• candlestickChart: Uses data from a High-Low dataset but with a special Candlestick plot.
• meterChart: Displays a single value from a Value dataset on a dial, using rendering options from a Meter plot.
• thermometerChart: Displays the single value in a Value dataset using rendering options from a Thermometer plot.
• multiAxisChart: Contains multiple range axes, all sharing a common domain axis.
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