Cloud based applications for businesses are more than a trend. Over the past decade they have been growing in efficacy, and now carry over 80% of the day to day workload of businesses across the globe. Every day, more and more organizations are migrating to the cloud. What parameters can a business use to establish whether the migration is successful? Let’s quantify some of the success factors you should look at in this article:
Implementation Success
What was the time frame of implementation? How has the ease of implementing the cloud compared to other applications you have integrated into your organization? Evaluating your schedule is a great way to find a baseline for operating procedures. If the project was on-schedule, identify processes and come up with a template for future migrations.
Businesses can make use of HCM Cloud to measure pre and post-migration performance to determine how much of an improvement cloud applications are over traditional methods. Efficiency is a critical component of HR, finance, and many other business departments. Cloud applications have been shown to eliminate unnecessary processes within your organization.
Uptime in the Cloud
Just like application performance, no business intends to migrate its applications to a cloud whose availability is compromised. BI Support tools can be used to evaluate uptime metrics which the business can also use to determine successful integration.
Customer Satisfaction
Most cloud solutions are not only aimed at improving a business’ efficiency but also improving the customer experience. Depending on your type of business, some of the customers’ statistics that you should look into include customer appeal, inventory maintenance, order fulfillment durations. HCM fusion software in the cloud helps you keep track of all these metrics while providing real-time feedback for you and your customers.
ROI Calculation
Most businesses migrate to the cloud with the main objective of enhancing the efficiency of their operations and reducing expenses. Did the cloud solution help you get rid of HCM servers and the costs involved in maintaining them while ensuring that you still get your reports? Document the ways through which the cloud has helped you cut down on costs and compare them with your objectives for implementing it.
BI Support and HCM Cloud Together with DataTerrain
Get your organization invested and engaged with the future of your business and learn more about how DataTerrain reporting can help your company grow and prosper by contacting us here.