JasperReports support many built-in charts created using the popular open source library JFreeChart. These charts help to create visually compelling reports and dashboards.
•Chart components of the Jaspersoft reports simplify the way to insert the charts into the reports and also the process of gathering chart data becomes easier.
•When compared to other reporting tools many varieties of charts can be created in Jasper such as Pie, Pie 3D, Scatter, Bubble, High-Low-Open-Close, Candlestick, Gantt, xyBarChart, linechart etc.
•Pixel perfect report designer includes layouts containing charts and images are being supported in all types of editions.
•Characteristics such as orientation and background color can be defined in jasper reports. For instance, the label rotation attribute allows the text labels on the x-axis to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise.
•Configuration can be done for all charts such as a border around all sides, title font, show/hide legend, plot area background color, subtitle font etc.
•Commercial editions provide advanced HTML5 charts which are interactive
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